Đặt câu với từ "nucleate|nucleated|nucleates|nucleating"

1. Microvesicles derived from nucleated, mammalian cells and use thereof

2. Mature erythrocytes are non-nucleated, Biconcavedisks containing hemoglobin whose function is to transport oxygen

3. Acicular ferrite is a microstructure nucleating intergranularly on non-metallic inclusions and forming an arrangement of fine, interlocking grains

4. In insects, Lepidoptera has two types of sperm: nucleated eupyrene (fertile) sperm and anucleated Apyrene (unfertile) sperm

5. Cytological examination of the fluid from the distended lesion discovered multiple nucleated cells, including synoviocytes, non-degenerate neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages

6. What is described is the use of a nucleating agent in the preparation of polyurea adducts from at least one amine and at least one isocyanate, wherein the nucleating agent is not isomorphous to the resulting polyurea adduct formed from the at least one amine and the at least one isocyanate.

7. However, it does not nucleate on oxides (reference needed), ruling out its use in all applications but copper interconnect layers.

8. The Apyrene sperm are anucleate and while they do not participate directly in fertilization, they are required for successful fertilization of eggs by the nucleate, eupyrene sperm

9. Microtubules were nucleated from sea urchin Axonemes in 11.5 μM tubulin alone or in the presence of 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 μM Bim1 or Bik1

10. Effects of different dosage of Ice nucleating active (INA) bacteria on substances and cold tolerance of Tenebrio molitor were studied through two kinds of inoculation methods, bathing and feeding.

11. Ascent projects are expected to lead to disruptive technologies or nucleate entirely new research fields motivated by the most pressing societal challenges the global community faces.

12. On the trail of Western honey Because PET Crystallizes very slowly, producing parts with a semi-crystalline structure requires the help of chemicals known as nucleating agents, as

13. Centrioles are conserved microtubule-based organelles that lie at the core of the animal centrosome and play a crucial role in nucleating the formation of cilia and flagella in most eukaryotes

14. The PC itself is composed of a microtubule-based core structure named the Axoneme, which nucleates from a basal body and is surrounded by a ciliary membrane, which is continuous with the plasmatic membrane (Figure 1).

15. Crystallization is a method for transforming a solution into a solid, where a supersaturated solution nucleates the solute by a chemical equilibrium controlled process. Uniform particles with well-defined morphology are formed, and these readily re-dissolve

16. Intra-nucleosomal cleavage of DNA into fragments of about 200 bp was demonstrated to occur in developing Anthers, in which microspores had developed into the mid-late to late uni-nucleate stage in situ, i.e

17. EUS-FNA slides were evaluated by four blinded cytopathologists using a standardized scoring system that assessed final cytologic diagnosis and quantitative (number of nucleated/diagnostic cells) and qualitative (Bloodiness, inflammation/necrosis, contamination, artifact) cytologic parameters.

18. Type I epidote occurs as euhedral phenocrysts, up to 8 mm long, with low content of allanite component (<0.02 total REE cations per 12.5 oxygen formula unit); many have Allanitic cores upon which they nucleated epitaxially.

19. We find that Antiparallel D23N-Aβ(1-40) fibrils are thermodynamically metastable with respect to conversion to parallel structures, propagate less efficiently than parallel fibrils in seeded fibril growth, and therefore must nucleate more efficiently than parallel fibrils in order to be observable.

20. The crystallization of agitated aqueous solutions of sodium chlorate and sodium bromate was nucleated with levo- or dextrorotatory crystal powders of sodium chlorate and sodium bromate to furnish new crystals with a high degree of chiroptical purity.

21. Only 4 days after transplanting viable spleen cells by intraperitoneal injection of 1 ml of a spleencell-suspension (250–300 millions of nucleated cells) from amyloidfree C3H and NMRI donor mice to syngenetic recipients or recipients of the same strain, besides the typical amyloid of the spleen, stellate amyloid deposits among the intraperitoneal injected spleencells are observed.